

Alma Digit is one of the 8 companies selected in the Horizon 2020 frontierCities2 (fC2) - FI-TECH call with the Cultural Aided Smart MOBility (CASMOB) project. Out of the 136 proposals received, 14 applicants were invited to a video interview, which became the second round of the evaluation process. Following a thorough analysis of the proposals and interview feedback received from the interview panel, the fC2 Selection Board shortlisted 8 FI-TECH applicants who have been invited to the contracting phase. Cultural Aided Smart MOBility (CASMOB) is a platform and a mobile app that drives users (citizens and tourists) around the city through different customized itineraries including both Cultural POI (CuPOI), e.g., natural places, historical buildings, archaeological sites, monuments, etc; and Commercial POI (CoPOI), e.g., commercial activities such as shops, restaurants, coffee bar, pubs, etc that establish business partnerships with CASMOB and that provides special commercial offerings. Through the CASMOB platform, tenants can respectively create CuPOI and CoPOI, whereas users can easily build their customized itineraries by using the mobile app choosing the preferred mobility form. Besides giving users what they exactly want, CASMOB allows municipalities to enforce smart mobility policies in terms of traffic management enhancing the user’s mobility experience and reducing stress. Update on CASMOB will be given in the next months.
